General Kit Bash


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General Kit Bash

Elita 1 and Cromia Kit Bash

FireStar and MoonRacer Kit Bash

Alfa Trion and Group Kit Bash

Cheetor and Silverbolt Kit Bash

In The Works

Bott's Guest Book

Whats New Page


Here is a collection of my most recent Kit Bashes

BW characters more accurately sized.

Recognize anyone from a certain eatery? Who's that tall yellow guy?

One of my favorite TF characters.

Got tired of waiting so I made a figure!

This is my Silverbolt and Cheetor as they were displayed in the Art contest at BotCon 01'

Next Gen characters

Some how Bones and Sulu's colors got mixed up. Huh?
My version of the cartoon characters
Who you gunna call?